ROLCC 2012/13 Prophetic Insights
- 主要根據先知事奉團隊的公開信息整理、提煉.Based on Annual Sharings of Prophetic Team
- 供本年度決策參考For Strategical Considerations Only
【時事】Precarious Times
- 年底的經濟動盪Coming Economical Shaking(again)
- 屬靈大環境General Spiritual Environment
【生命河當前階段】Current Stage of ROLCC
- 過渡Transition:將要進入屬靈高原,“巨人”已被驚動。
- 備戰War Preparation:神賜短暫平靜為的是備戰Quite before the Battle
- 起飛Takeoff:新的恩典、新的起點,重新學習謙卑跟隨主!Spiritual Reset
【神的應許】God’s Promises
- 人數的增加Headcount Increase
- 工人的成長Growth of Workers
- 各樣恩賜和權柄的彰顯Manifestation of Gifts and Authorities
- 禱告之火的旺盛Intensified Prayer Fire
- 宣教的擴展Evangelical Expansion
- 影響力的擴展Spreading of Influence
- 神的保守Protection of God
神的應許成為我們的信心和遮蓋,生命河正進入下一新階段的征戰,通過直接、正面的屬靈進攻來影響世代。讓我們謙卑、合一禱告,靠神得勝。ROLCC is poised to enter into a phase of direct, frontal assault to influence the land.
【2012-2013年度事工側重】Ministry Emphasises
1. 福音水流的通暢Currents of Gospel
2. 對神跡奇事的信心突破Faith Breakthrough for Miracles
禱告會現場會眾整體對醫治發生的信心已到臨界值,從“會不會發生”紛紛變成“什麼時候發生”。Reaching breaking point for miracles.
神正在逐漸加添我們的信心,我們也要更加渴慕。Hunger for more!
3. 屬靈兵器的建造Forging of Spiritual Weapons
- 醫治Divine Healing
- 先知性恩賜Prophetic Gifts
4. 工人的到位和扶持Positioning and Sustaining of Workers
復興爆發前的工人準備Prepare Workers for the coming revival phase
核心同工的生命進深新階段(G8)New phase of spiritual growth for core workers
- 新階段從低谷開始,需要調整心態、確定方向和定位Spiritual reset to start the new cycle(10 yrs)
普通會眾進入事奉(G4)Usher more people into ministries
- 進入服事、定位Discover calling and gifts
5. 動盪前的預備In Face of Coming Chaos
回應神的計劃,抓住時機,信心中建造、擴展,接納服事有極大需要的人群。Build to Anticipate Serving More Needy People
【屬靈觀察】Spiritual Observation
- 恩賜操練:Practicing the Spiritual Gifts
- 整年、融入各項服事Leave more room for the Holy Spirit in all ministries
- 核心同工Training of core workers
(文/ 張迅)